This is for you
Who in the midst of loss
You still find your soul
And live being what defines the odds.

This is for you
Who in the struggles of life, you find a reason to smile
To love
And give a chance.

This is for you
Who seem to have your life in the check
Sometimes it’s good to remember
That not everything goes as planned
Because tomorrow is not assured.

This is for you
The stuck up, rigid and abnoxious character
Do you for a moment realise there is more to life
Than being salty?
I mean Indian Ocean has enough
You need none
Just drop it.

This is for you
The generous souls
Who make bliss for the dark soul
Who gives without expecting much
You are appreciated.

This is for you
Who wakes up every morning
With thoughts of quitting
Don’t just yet
For in every uncomfortable situation
We learn
Find a reason to hold on a bit longer.

©2018 Sadati Okeyo.


Sometimes our dreams are so close but they seem too far away! Just have patience, faith and the courage to fight on without giving up! Your dream is possible. If you keep doing what everyone else is doing, you will keep getting what everyone else is getting. If you want something different, then do something different and be different from the majority. If you fear risk, maybe you will never fail at anything but also, you will never ever be great!

The ‘movers and shakers’ of this world are those who dare to dream; those who choose to be different. Don’t be casual about your dream unless you want to end up as a casualty in life. Wisdom is knowing the right path to take… Integrity is taking it… Dwelling on the negative only magnify the problem. Life is about whom you’re and what you bring to the table. Be appreciative of every moment you enjoy in life, because you can’t really tell how life would have been on the other side. Often people think if they had been someone else, may be life would be better.

The purpose of living each day is to give you another opportunity to carefully look into your life and shape your destiny according to your faith and your understanding about life. Stop complaining and step up. Many people have ideas on how others should change; few people have ideas on how they should change. Many have made a difference in the same circumstances you find yourself in today. So believe in yourself and live life to the fullest.