If I should have a daughter

If I should have a daughter, instead of mom
She’s gonna call me point B
Because that way she knows that no matter what happens
At least she can always find her way to me
And I’m going to paint solar systems on the backs of her hands
So she has to learn the entire universe
Before she can say, “Oh, I know that like the back of my hand.”
And she’s gonna learn
That this life will hit you hard in the face
Wait for you to get back up just
So it can kick you in the stomach.
But getting the wind knocked out of you
Is the only way to remind your lungs
How much they like the taste of air.
There is hurt here
That cannot be fixed by apologies or romantic poetry
So the first time she realizes, that wonder woman isn’t coming,
I’ll make sure she knows
She doesn’t have to wear the cape all by herself.
Because no matter how wide you stretch your fingers,
Your hand will always be too small
To catch all the pain you want to heal.
Believe me I’ve tried “And baby, “I’ll tell her,
Don’t keep your nose up in the air like that.
I know that trick: I’ve done it a million times
You’re just smelling for smoke
So you can follow the trail back to a burning house,
So you can find the boy who lost everything in the fire
To see if you can save him.
Or else find the boy who lit the fire in the first place,
To see if you can change him.”
But I know she will anyway,
So instead ill always keep an extra supply of
Chocolate and rain boots nearby,
Because there is no heartbreak that chocolate can’t fix.
Okay there are a few heartbreaks that chocolates can’t fix
But that’s what the rain boots are for.
Because rain will wash away everything, if you let it.
I want her to look at the world
Through the underside of a glass- bottom boat,
To look through a microscope at the galaxies that exist
On the pinpoint of a human mind,
Because that’s the way my mom taught me.
That there’ll be days like this.
There’ll be days like this, my momma said.
When you open your hands to catch
And wind up only with blisters and bruises;
When you step out of the phone booth and try to fly
And the very people you wanna save
Are the ones standing on your cape;
When your boots will fill with rain,
And you’ll be up to your knees in disappointment.
And those are the very days you have
All the more reason to say thank you
Because there is nothing more beautiful
Than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline,
No matter how many times it’s swept away
You will put the wind in winsome, lose some.
You will put the star in starting over and over.
And no matter how many land mines erupt in a minute,
Be sure your mind lands on the beauty of this funny place called life.
And yes, on a scale from one to over-trusting,
I am pretty damn naïve,
But I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar.
It can crumble so easily,
But don’t be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it.
“Baby,” I’ll tell her, “remember, your momma is a warrior,
and your poppa is a warrior,
and you are the girl with small hands and big eyes
who never stops asking for more.”
Remember the good things come in threes and so do bad things.
And always apologize when you’ve done something wrong.
But don’t you ever apologize,
For the way your eyes refuse to stop shining.
Your voice is small, but don’t ever stop singing.
And when they finally hand you heartache,
When they slip war and hatred under your door
And offer you handouts on street-corners
Of cynicism and defeat,
you tell them that they ought to meet your mother and father.

Mama’s Tears

Mama’s Tears
Her tears
Her tears used to be seen
The innocent tears stole her joy
Her tears stole her smile away
Whenever I caught her crying
Coincidentally, she would fake a
She could not hide it for long
‘The tears of happiness’ she would say
Mama was wise
She was nice
When it comes to parables
She was the best

‘My son, cry today in order to laugh
tomorrow, struggle today for a better
tomorrow’ she would advise

Mama used to fight
Not with the neighbors
Not with the haters
But with life itself

As the day breaks
The tougher life goes
Pushing her to the grounds
To an extent of giving up
She had one strength
She had hope
Her tears
now I understand
her tears.

She would ensure it does not
dry up
She was proud of raising a son
Thanks to her tears
I am stronger
I am somebody today
Mama tears, I call
She embraced happiness
Through her strength
Her tears
I am her tears.

First Day at School

A millionbillionwillion miles from home
Waiting for the bell to go. (To go where?)
Why are they all so big, other children?
So noisy? So much at home they
Must have been born in uniform
Lived all their lives in playgrounds
Spent the years inventing games
That don’t let me in. Games
That are rough, that swallow you up.

And the railings (fence around the school).
All around, the railings.
Are they to keep out wild dogs and monsters?
Things that carry off and eat children?
Things you don’t take sweets from?
Perhaps they’re to stop us from getting out
Running away from the lessons. Lesson?
I had no idea what a lesson was
What does a lesson look like?
Sounds small and slimy 😂(stupid answer from a young developing mind)
They keep them in the glassrooms.
Whole rooms made out of glass. Imagine 😂 .

I wish I could remember my name
Mummy said it would come in useful.
That nobody would call me baby boy anymore.
At school it was official and no more pumpering
Mummy had written my name in all my books Lol
What’s your name? Teacher asked
I think my name is sewn on somewhere
Perhaps the teacher will read it for me.
I found myself in dilemma looking the teacher in teary eyes.
It was just a hectic, tiresome and long day I had
Currently it makes me smile when I flashback at it
I wonder what was making me uneasy yet there were no strokes of cane
Maybe loneliness and the huge tall fellow pupils.


Three Beautiful Thoughts for Today.
1. None can destroy iron, but its own rust can ! Like wise, none can destroy a
person, but his own mindset can.
2. Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going, because a straight line even in an E.C.G. means we are not alive.
3. F-E-A-R : has two meanings :
1. Forget Everything And Run &
2. Face Everything And Rise.

I Found You

Alone in this world,
Not meant for me to live in, I never knew
Why the sun rose and set, why it rained so hard
My tears, my tears that fell upon the edge of time
The three quarter moon last night,
I could almost reach with arms outstretched
So it seemed, so I wondered where in this universe, Is there a place for me? Every morning, every night walking the same path hoping to find you,
At the end of my journey
Although only on the same valley,
The same trees and the same bay and
Then I found you.
You, with the sparkling eyes of a new born baby,
You with the hair, beautiful, blackish and long as the Caribbean horse mane,
That swung in an awesome bouncing motion behind your back,
Then I could see that outstretched arms
Could you belong to someone else? and
How these arms were reaching out to me.
Instantly you became a blossoming Queen,
In the same familiar valley, standing stately
Beneath that same familiar tree, wading in that nearby bay
Alone as I, you were and we connected as
Two shooting stars meeting in the universe so vast and
The rain stopped, as we circle danced with the
Elegance and mysticism as the rings of Saturn.
As with the wave of the hand of a sorcerer, we became one
Sharing our delusions of the meaning of life,
Together we found a world of our own, one meant for the two of us alone where the sun rose and set
Just for you and I, and I know now that no matter how hard it rains and
Even if I never saw the sun rise and set again
My tears my tears have disappeared because I have found you
My own sun that shooting star that has given me light and
I can see to walk down any path and no matter which path I walk-on
I shall find you near and shall never be alone again
And when we reach the end of any path we shall circle dance together
Surrounded by the light emitted from our laughter,
Beneath the light of the three quarter moon
Upon the edge of time, everlasting…

To Unborn Sasha

When you feel a hand rest upon your Mum,
And you hear the sound of a low deep hum,
I hope you know, and to yourself think gladly,
This touch and voice is of my Daddy. Mum and I loved the name Sasha and that’s the name we gonna call you baby girl.

It’s still early days but you’ve got my heart,
And I know that this is just the start,
Because from now on and forevermore,
I will love you, cherish you, and always adore you.

My first lessons to you will be as follows:
Be good to everybody, even people that get, You angry or that you feel do not deserve it,
We only get one chance to get life right and, We will make mistakes,
But the mistakes became manageable when we are kind to one another.

Take chances baby Sasha, and you’ll learn so much about yourself in the process,
Life is scary, but it is made less scary if we grab it by the horns,
And do things that make our hearts skip. Most importantly, I want you to love.
Love endlessly and tirelessly and always be you.

Never make any apologies for who you are. The right people will love you for it
And the ones that don’t deserve your kindness all the same.

Every day my love for you grows,
And I hope to you this already shows,
I will do everything I can to make you see,
That you will always mean the world to me.

And from today until the day you’re born,
I swear to keep the oath I’ve sworn,
You and Mum will always be cared for,
Protection is the oath I swore.

Not just to protect, but to always love,
Because you were a gift from above,
I never thought I would feel this way,
But now I can’t wait until November.

For when the day that you arrive,
I would have never before felt so alive,
You’ll bring a tear straight to my eye,
And you’ll look at me and you’ll know why.

Because you will be the greatest gift,
And my heart and soul you will uplift, That feeling there will be hard to beat,
From that moment on my life’s complete.

But for now you sleep inside your Mummy,
Keep warm and snug inside her tummy,
And I’ll look forward to the day you’re here,
To take my heart when you appear.

So when you feel that hand on Mum,
And hear the sound of my low deep hum,
I know you’ll know and for that I’m glad,
That here with Mum is your very proud Dad.

Photo credit: pexels.com


Life has been like a wind
Sometimes blowing away the sweet moments
He has always been in dilemma
Caught in the weighing balance
Trying to weigh the good and bad
Unfortunately his life has both at equal measure
He has been through devastation and desperation
But like a soldier, he stands up, shrugs the dust off and continue like it was nothing
The bad side in the weighing balance is slowly moulding him into a real tough and strong man of his dream
His good side is gradually creating a stable stronger base.

To my future empress I know you’re out there
Blue ain’t my favourite color but I don’t mind if you come out of the blues
Though I haven’t seen you, I know you’re the most beautiful, gorgeous and awesome soul ever created
Baby just a little while and my reign is taking over the throne
The king is still doing away with the naysayers and doubt hawkers and creating a larger jurisdiction for our kingdom.

Hopefully by the time I will set my eyes on your beautiful face, the empire will be standing strong without external threats as a combination of our soldiers will form an army like never before

The empire will be large and unshakable
Her majesty, your king is in good health and just hold on a little longer and we will merge together
A togetherness that will bring bundles of joy and create a magnanimous unity among the people
A togetherness that will cause the enemy to have heebie-jeebies with no clue of where to attack
A togetherness that will light up our own empire
A togetherness that will erase the all the disappointments and betrayal that life hurled at us
A togetherness that will bring glory to God Almighty
A togetherness that will not only create an everlasting joy and happiness between the Queen and King but also make the people happy leading to brotherly love among them.

Sometimes our togetherness will be tested and uncovered but
We will bounce back in rage to conquer and slay
Her majesty the Queen, we’re the Lion and Lioness in the jungle and we shall take a lifetime oath during our coronation to protect our pride(family, relatives and the people)
Her majesty, the King can’t wait to meet you someday
Since our unity is what matters and not people’s opinions.

You king loves, adores, cherishes and forever is loyal to you
He is patiently searching and waiting for you day and night
He shall not settle for something less his worth
So wherever you’re, know that a search team has been deployed everywhere to search for you
Think of fantasy love but it will be a dream come true in it’s own perfect time
Be safe, stay safe and always stay safe
Once again, blue ain’t my favourite colour but I don’t mind if you come out of the blues.
Bye Her Majesty.
Bye Lioness.
Bye empress.
Long live the Queen.

Resilient Rickie Part II

I gave myself hope because I knew Isabella Madoni(mom)would be okay.
I only referred to mom with her official name whenever she was in danger.
“You mom is a tough woman, she’s gonna pull through this Rickie” uttered Ms Liza succinctly.

Ms Liza is our house help whenever mom would be away or in kind of any trouble. She was a middle age woman with sharp beautiful face and her long black hair tossed neatly at her back. I liked her since she was friendly and ever funny. I always referred to her as auntie Liza.

Do you think you can be my mom for tonight? I asked Ms Liza confidently.

Yes little baby you know damn well that I can, I replied to Rickie in a giggling smiley face. Rickie smiled back and I knew the good moods will be restored soon than later.

We headed to the kitchen to prepare some supper. Rickie always craved for executive mix of egg rolls and fried rice. I cooked hastily so that little Rickie could go to bed early as we had to go see Mrs Isabella first thing tomorrow morning.
That night Rickie missed the sweet night song they would sing together with her mom before sleep. The song goes;

“Little Rickie don’t you cry,
Little Rickie don’t you cry,
Go to sleep my little baby,
When you wake,
You’ll have a cake and all the pretty little horses”

I would always be harsh of mom for calling me little baby.

“Mom you know I’m not a baby no more,” I would always correct her immediately after the song as I smiled uncontrollably to the beautiful pale chocolate skinned woman (God must have so attentive and relaxed on the day of her creation). She would laugh at me and tell me that I was her only baby forever. Surely mom was the best woman I ever had and will always have.

Rickie’s morning sleep was spoiled by the ringing of the house telephone.

He answered with a brisk and biting, “Yes?”
The voice on the other side was horse male voice. “I’m Doctor Rujesh Modi from Indiana Hospital” He said in sweet Hindi accent that made me laugh but I was quick to ask. “Is my mom okay?”

“Yes Rickie she’s in good condition” answered Doctor Rujesh. You should come see her Rickie.
“Sure,” I replied and the line went off but I continued to speak not knowing the doctor had hung up.
“Rickie who is that on the line?” He is a doctor from Indiana hospital, I replied Ms Liza in a calm voice.
He said we should go see mom.

Hours later, Ms Liza and I had reached Indiana Hospital to see mom. The doctor welcomed us with a face full of pity and sympathy.
I suddenly knew something worse was wrong with mom. Dr. Rujesh drew Ms Liza aside and presented her with a file. I didn’t know what it contained but I believed it was all about mom. They had a lengthy talk before Ms Liza beckoned me to join them.

I didn’t like what I heard from the doctor. Mom had been battling with depression for so long since dad’s demise. She resolved to alcohol to help ease the situation a little bit but all turned more worse than she’d ever imagined. Mom was diagnosed with liver disorders which had been caused by the excessive consumption of alcohol.

The liver disorder sent mom to a coma and she had to be under medical machines and constant surveillance and check up.

Mom had been taking alcohol behind my back every night after I had fallen asleep. She pretended to be okay by wearing a smile whenever I was around.

I was eight when this was happening, so you could imagine eight years of depression and alcoholism since dad’s demise. Ooh my goodness mom! I looked at the beautiful woman laying peacefully on the hospital bed and kissed and stroked her hand.
“You gonna pull through this mom, I know you gonna beat this, You rock mom,” I said in a faint whisper. I hope she was able to hear me even though she looked dead asleep.

My mom Isabella and dad(Denis Madoni) really loved each other according to mom’s narration to the doctor earlier. They considered each other gifts from God and just like a gift, they protected, cherished, loved and always had each other’s backs. The tragic death of dad constantly rang in her mind as if it were something that occurred yesterday but no, it was eight years ago. She didn’t find a good reason to let go and I couldn’t understand it since I never saw my dad (so sad). I believed he was the best dad and husband to mom.

All the thoughts about dad and me growing without a father was really hurting mom and again they both made vows not to get married in case of death (what a true love story) and surely mom stayed true to her promise. All these caused depression. But thank God she had me, the depression and alcoholism were reducing not compared to earlier years when I was still 2-3 years (as told by the doctor).

We stayed with mom and forgot about school as I sang her favourite morning song. It goes;

“Wake, when I wake, I will just lay here and wait for the sun,
Wake, when I wake, a new day has just began,
The morning is made for the birds of the tree.
The morning is made to start over again.
Everything is waiting for you.”

Before Ms Liza and I could start the second stanza, the hospital alarm started to ring loud and the nurse in the room left swiftly…that’s when I knew mom would spend a couple of days in the hospital…
To be continued…

Resilient Rickie

Brrring! Brrring! The school bells rang. I ran as fast as my thin legs could carry me immediately after it had rang to mark lunch time. Other kids could be heard shouting ‘lunch!!!’ with their shrilly and high pitched voices. I ran fast to go home ahead of others since I was hungry and was fantasizing about the home delicacy,besides I was running fast since I was just too weak to fight back from the bully boys. I reached home to find mom doing laundry and no sign of lunch. As usual mom could joke and tell me that some beast came and ate my share and I could laugh at her. Mom went down on her knees and hugged me tight making me wet from her soaked clothes. She gave me a kiss on the forhead but I could hear her heart beat fast. “Mom are you okay? Are you sick?-this was the usual question I could ask whenever she wasn’t happy”. She usually told me “I’m sick son” whenever she wasn’t happy as I was still young to understand some things. Mom looked at me with tears filled eyes as she whimpered. Being mom’s favourite and only child, I knew something was not right but I was too young to comprehend what it was. I found myself shedding tears too as I looked at her. “Mom I always got your back, don’t be afraid…you’re going to get well” I spoke in tears. Mom looked at me in disbelief, she never expected such words from his little boy. She regained strength and stood up and carried me into the house to give me some porridge. (my favourite I was different from other kids who liked tea).

“Mom teacher Flo said that we gonna close tomorrow” I shouted from the sitting room while sipping my Uji (porridge). Mom teacher Flo also said tomorrow we going to sing, Mom she said we should be neat and our hair done. Mom are you there? The updates from school were never answered. I ran to the kitchen to check on mom as the silence wasn’t her norm. She would answer any silly question and always respond by saying “Yes sweetheart”. I was shocked to find mom lying on the floor, she had fainted but I was too young to understand. Mom couldn’t wake up. All I could do is cry. We had no other kid as I was the only one. Dad on the other side had died on a road accident on the day of my birth.

I ran to the neighbour to inform her on what had happened. “Mom has fallen down”. I told told Mrs Jackson our neighbour while trembling. Mrs Jackson came as fast as he could and lifted mom to a cool shade and conducted her first aid before leading her to her Mitsubishi Pickup and hurried her to the nearest village dispensary. Back at home I was worried and fell asleep on the couch hoping to wake up and find my mom beside me. At last I had Mrs Jackson’s vehicle screeching breaks by the door. I ran fast as I called my mom. But on looking clearly into the vehicle, it was only our neighbour, mom was not there. “What happened to he?r…tell me!!! Where is my mom??? ” . I asked bitterly. Mrs Jackson gave me a hug and a tight embrace…

To be continued…